At Community Life Development Center (CLDC) and our mission is to provide developmentally appropriate programs to foster the development of the whole child.  We believe in the value and uniqueness of all children and we strive to meet the learning style of each child.  We believe that young children need to be actively involved in learning through play and have the opportunities to explore, experience and succeed. Changing the world is a tall task, but we can shape the young minds of the children that one day will.  After all, these children are the next generation.  We believe that whatever we instilled in our children today will be the outcome of our tomorrow.

At CLDC we provide quality Childcare and Youth Development in a safe, healthy, well-staffed, equipped, managed, and loving Christian family / child style learning environment, where proper growth and development can and will take place. We acknowledge the fact that all parents has a need for quality care.

To facilitate our philosophy and goals, each age group’s area is arranged into learning centers. The learning center environment supports each child’s daily experiences with opportunities in language, math, science, music , etc. All program activities are designed to enhance the emotional, social physical and cognitive needs of each child to encourage the development of his / her full potential.

“Our mission is to provide a safe, educational, and fun environment that will enrich the lives of children. We stand by our motto “Youth, Family and Community Strong” and believe each family should enjoy all that life have to offer.”

The following goals have been defined to ensure individual success and to encourage individual development growth:

Language/Cognitive and Intellectual Growth

Domains is to help child become confident learners by letting them try out their own ideas, experience success, and by helping them acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions, and use words to describe their ideas, observations and feelings. Design to help each child develop and/or expand their basic concepts; to increase each child’s curiosity about their home environments as well as the world around them; to use a variety of measures to enrich these understandings such as filmstrips, stories, field trips, and discussions. To encourage language development through daily group and individual conversations; to increase each child’s natural imagination; and to challenge each child’s thinking and reasoning abilities with new ideas and situations.

Social Growth

Domains is that children will have experiences in developing skills of independence, conflict resolution, cooperation task performance, positive expressions of emotions and building self-esteem and respect for individual differences. This program is designed to help each child develop and/or better understand themselves and their relationship with both peers and adults: to encourage successful development of social habits such as self-control, consideration for others, fairness, and good manners.

Emotional Growth

Domains is designed to reorganize and accept each child’sefforts and to provide many opportunities for success; to appreciate and value th eir ideas so they never feel rejected or ridiculed; to teach each child to value themselves and their ideas; to give them sense of belonging; to set reasonable limits easily understood by the children and to ensure they are followed; to provide opportunities for self-expression of feeling through art. music, talking and movement; to promote a positive relationship with other children and adults in the center; to accept each child’s emotions without criticism, to strengthen individual abilities in a story telling, painting, construction, eye-hand coronation, perception, left-to-right progressions, speech ad movement to enhance a growing sense of accomplishment and pride; to maintain sufficient flexibility in the daily program to allow adaptation to the children’s changing moods and needs.

Our goal with the Physical Growth

Domain is designed to provide daily opportunities for each child to develop and /or expand skills in the movement of their bodies by use of both movements both small and large motor: to develop and/or expand each child’s awareness of their body movements both in parts as well as the whole body; to learn names of specific body parts; to help define room space and to teach different methods of traveling through it; to help each child understand and create their own space; to develop standing still coordination, a sense of balance and rhythm, and the skills they will need later on for success in group sport participation. In other words, to do all we can to promote each child’s good health. To offer indoor and outdoor active and quiet sensory experiences with emphasis on self help / life skills. Our primary goal is to ensure that everyday is a safe and happy day in this facility.

Programs Learning Centers