Health, Safety & Security

We know that education, development and socialization are important, but your child’s safety is what matters most. At CLDC, we take every precaution to ensure your child is safe and secure when they spend their day with us.

We have strengthened our health and safety practices based on current guidance and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), DCDEE, state and local officials and departments of health to ensure we maintain a safe and healthy environment.

In our schools you will notice:

Temperature Checks: We are screening all staff members and children upon arrival at school to check for raised temperatures and symptoms of the Coronavirus. We will follow state and CDC guidelines regarding raised temperatures, whichever is more stringent.

Protective Masks: Staff members may wear face coverings when working with children. Some programs may require a mask or face covering for both teachers and children. Please note the CDC does not currently recommend face coverings for children under 2 years old.

Health Screening: When families sign-in for the day, they will need to confirm their child is well before our staff brings them to the classroom.

Wellness Checks: Regular wellness checks are being conducted throughout the day. The families of children that show signs of illness will be notified immediately. To help stop the spread of illness, children are taken to a dedicated place and cared for by a member of management until a family member can pick them up.

Limited Classroom Access: Classrooms are reserved for teachers and children only. To curb the spread of germs and to control group size, families are asked to remain in common areas of the school only, and not enter classrooms. To limit non-essential personnel in our schools, we have temporarily discontinued all specialized activities provided by third parties to our students and have discontinued non-essential travel to schools by corporate team members.

Same Person Drop-Off and Pick-Up: Families are asked, whenever possible, to assign one family member for drop off and pick up to minimize exposure to multiple people.

Hand Washing: We continue to ensure increased frequency of hand washing by children and staff. Hand sanitizer is also available in the center.

Social Distancing: We have implemented the social distancing strategies listed below:

  • Children and staff remain in the same group each day, when possible.

  • We are staggering playground times, so different groups are not mixed together.

  • We have cancelled or postponed special events such as festivals, holiday events and special performances.

  • When possible, during nap time, children are placed 36 inches apart.

  • We have temporarily suspended outside visitors to classrooms.

  • We have altered drop off and pick up procedures to limit unnecessary exposure.

Sanitizing & Classroom Cleanliness: We have strengthened our existing cleaning and sanitizing practices. Toys, playground equipment, doorknobs and other high-touch surfaces are disinfected, and toys are rotated throughout the day. We follow CDC guidelines for proper disinfectants.

Playground Restrictions: Outdoor play structures will be used by one class at a time and will be cleaned daily per CDC guidelines.

Safe Dining: We’ve modified our mealtime practices to reduce the potential spread of germs. Children will still eat together but we have stopped family-style dining and are only serving pre-plated meals to children.

Naptime Adjustments: Children will sleep at least 36” apart, and positioned alternating head-to-toe or toe-to-toe. Bedding, cot sheets and our blankets will be laundered weekly or when soiled. Infant classroom bedding and crib sheets are laundered daily.

Field Trips and Events: There will be school-wide events and field trips throughout the year. Nature walks for our older children may be approved.

Stay Home if Sick: If you or your child has been sick, please stay home until you are symptom-free without medication for 48 hours or unless state guidelines deem otherwise.

If you have any questions about our health and safety precautions, please feel free to contact our Office Administrator / Center Director or email for more information.

Here are some additional things we do to ensure your child is safe:

  • Our school is always locked. The front door is secured with electronic keypad entry, so only authorized staff and families may enter. Visitors must sign-in and present a valid ID to enter our building.

  • We are equipped with security cameras throughout classrooms and the lobby. These cameras are closely monitored by management and can be viewed by families at any time in the lobby.

  • Our playgrounds are fenced and secured with gates to ensure your child can play outdoors safely.

  • We continuously monitor all children, including when they enter or exit the building, enter or exit a vehicle or move to a new location in or around our school.

  • Our school has smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, and both are regularly inspected.

  • Our team members are certified in first aid, CPR,  ITS-SIDs, and other training as needed.